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What is Reality?

I Recently read an Interesting quote about Time “  Time Does Not Actually Exist. Clocks Exist. Time is just an agreed upon construct. We have taken distance (one rotation of the earth and one orbit of the sun) divided it up into segments. Then given those segments Labels. While it has its uses we have been programmed to live our lives by the construct as if it were real. We have confused our shared construct with something that is tangible and thus has become its slave

This quote raised so many questions and the more you try to analyze it leads to more questions.

 What if Time as the universal agreed construct does not exist it is hard to imagine life….. But if you go back around 100 to 200 years ago where clocks are not that easily accessible or accurate as it looks now. They used to be lot more simple clocks as simple as candle clock or shade of the long tower to decide the time of the day.  Most of the accuracy is only towards an hour at most. Measuring the time itself is a complex task as you see some of the examples like "Jenthar manthar” in Jaipur, India  (in 19th-century India ).  The accuracy of time up to seconds is very basic need of current world might not apply around 150/200 years ago, think how different it could be and also the people living at that time.  

              Candle based Clock of olden days

Gentar Mantar, Delhi   Shadow based clock.

If time is not tangible and a human made construct then what in this world you could consider tangible?.

The difference between monopoly money to a US dollar is a human agreed construct of the certain value. Dollar or rupee is a paper if there is no universally agreed construct of value.  Gold, House, car and you name every product and service is an end of the agreed value of common construct. An agreed value of the currency is the basis for financial system or economic system of the world. If the agreed construct change, there could be the collapse of these complex systems. We even saw some of those collapses in last hundred years.
By the way one of the Hindu guru told to Rich people “All this running around wealth is meaningless, so stop it and run for the GOD and find a way to Reach Heaven. Give all your wealth to me and start trusting me and my god, I will help you to reach salvation and also out of this miserable human life". The Guru Traveled in Bentley, Rolls Royce, charted flights with 100 plus acres of ashram with all money collected from his followers and lived happily ever.

That's beside the Point, but is God tangible and not a Human Construct? IF you deeply analyze you get to the same conclusion like Every religion is a human agreed to construct like Time and currency.  The only difference being the world did not build consensus for a universally accepted construct for “Religion” like time or the device like clocks to show time (may be the god?).  May be we need to go with Currency route where every currency has their own value and can still convertible to one currency to other with universally acceptable conversion rate? How will it be if religion is convertible like that?

Evolution of these Human Constructs.

If you dig deep at the evolution of "clocks or time measurement" or "Currency" you realize they keep evolving based on new needs. As the new generation comes with future needs of the community these human constructs keep evolving, expanding and changing.

Look in to till the 19th century, the community needs are to achieve the accuracy of time measurement of up to an hour.   A well-developed city has Clock towers in the center for people to utilize and times with a Bell which ring every hour.  As clocks and watches become easily accessible and coming with Transportation services like Trains, buses etc. then the accuracy of minutes became critical for people to follow.  As computers and information technology came into existence forced to measure time in the thousandth of milliseconds which is even unthinkable two decades ago.  

We also had different measurements for distance like Foot, Meter or weight measured in Pound or Kilograms. But we came with universally acceptable conversion formula. How is the world achieved it?. How did even world agree to one universal time measurement?

If you look currency evolution find same trends. Initially started bartering as a way to exchange good moved to have coins using precious metals like gold, silver than as community economics evolves we reached paper currency to all the way to bit coin.  Also part and parcel evolved the needs of the global economy by building stock markets, currency exchange mechanisms and all the way to plastic and paperless economy.

So How are the Religions are evolving? Why they are struggling to have universal constructs???


  1. In yogic world : If u did not have a body then time not exist.Only because of physicality time exist in our experience. It is same to go to space also.


    As technology progress we are in demand of measurement of micro second and new clocks came (atomic) . The idea of currency and time formed in to tangible for people convenience and dependency.

    I understand of your thought that why we didn't construct the religion like time.

    This could be because of beliefs & culture and geography .But all religions looks different on surface level but underline they will lead to the same god(oneness).

    1. Dear Friend, When we saw the movie “Back to the future” around 25 years ago we were amazed the creativity of the writer and director with the concept of time machine .Same goes interstellar a 2014 sci-fi movie which talks of traveling in both time travel as well as multiple dimensions in same earth.All these sci-fi movies or stories are something in common very great creativity same time everybody knows it is fiction. There are some writers wrote historical fiction too as if it is close to reality may be bahubali as example for that. Sometimes you don’t know whether it is reality or not, some of the mythology stories goes in to this category. If you use logical questioning your religion side hurts but your analytical side of your brain may never fully accept it as reality(e.g. : Lord Ganesha getting an Elephant head and somebody could say it is first Transplant surgery ).
      In that Same notion “Yogic world” is described is a fiction or reality?. To say it as reality ,we don’t have any living soul who can confirm existence of this “yogic world”, if I reject it as a fiction the religious side will get hurt. But one question , I want to know what is the purpose and need of existence of “Yogic world” which lives with out existence of time or physical nature. I also heard a human with all hard work and determination could enter in to this “yogic world” to do what to stay stand still?.

  2. Basically constructs are created by Human for a purpose, generally to lead life and in some cases to have control over certain variables of life by self or by business models.

    What ever the blog discussed are mostly created by Business models for their
    business survival. A common man really does not care what time it is.

    Just need happy living through Food, shelter, clothing. For thousands of years human only wanted privacy, space and just need his bread, shelter and clothing, the whole life changed with some percentage of greedy wanted to control others.
    Other wise its happy living forever for every one.

    We should only discuss about how to make every human happy, wealth is not accumulated in few pockets, every human to have power to live own life in social hormony. Thats all, nothing else.

    Most of the constructs based on some root unknown phenomenon, humans can only try to understand can not replcate or manipulate.
    Even the so called science may talk lot of things, but we are no where near to really understand why and how these root phenomenon evolved
    The purpose is really unknown.

    Lets discuss about what the phenomenon can not be controlled by human. Then we can understand about reality.
    As I said above rest all vaiables created by us for a purpose or control by business models.

    Why earth has only near 24 hours for self rotation which is is producing variable we use day in our life.

    Why earth to take 365+ days to rotate around sun, why it is not changing or we can change?

    WHy moon rotation around earth is only 28+ days

    Why moon path around earth intersection of earth path around Sun created two node points having Infra red and Ultra violate frequencies, which are upper and lower limits of life influencing frequencies on earth.

    Why in Electromagnetic spectrum only visible spectrum effect is there on earth.

    Why Humans get effected with outside Visible Spectrum

    Why life on earth are under the influence of Visible spectrum only.

    Why and how differt species are created earth. (let us not discuss about dumb theory of Darwin as we came from monkey etc.)


    1. Does constructs we built like Time , measurements, currency are arbitrary as we discussed, but don’t agree with the assumption it is built by business survival or some greedy business desire. Let say a farmer who’s crop is rice need a pot to cook from a pot maker and that’s where need to exchange goods starts. But the desire to keep this exchange happen in very fair terms lead to currency , measurements. Human tendency of greed always existed from beginning where strong take advantage of weak. But as humans evolved they keep fighting against primitive natural jungle law of “strong wins over weak” all the government, religion, culture were all interned to bring a fairness against the primitive thought. Olden days kings were one of those strong creatures who took advantage and world went thru many revolutions to throw kings out to have representative governments/ Business class is another example of that primitive nature and the society evolving to fighting against the uneven playing field.

      If you look at the history where time is not as accurate as today, the weaker sections like daily workers are taken advantage of the situation. Is not it?. Think about it , in current world if time is not accurate people are forced to work lot more hours, why do you think it will be different in past. All constructs came to existence of bringing fairness into the world than other way around.

      “Most of the constructs based on some root unknown phenomenon, humans can only try to understand can not replcate or manipulate.”

      My blog post is not about discuss about existence of god or his mighty powers, my intent is to only discuss about arbitrary nature of existing constructs that includes religion. Weather god exist or entirely separate discussion (may be another blog soon).

      “Why earth has only near 24 hours for self rotation which is is producing variable we use day in our life.” As I explained it is very arbitrary based on longitude/latitude to divide in to 24 equal parts of earth rotation. The hours for day could easily be a 48 hrs or 12 hours or even six hours? . Humans around the world agreed to go with 24 hrs and it helped also evolve the time zones too. But it could easily any other number represented the earth rotation. Same can be argued for number of minutes in a hour, seconds in a minute, number of days in calendar, number of days in lunar calendar?. All are arbitrary numbers where world agreed to follow.


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