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Is Indian Partition is Politician's wish or people's Desire

Recently I had a discussion with a friend related to Indian partition and Gandhi’s death. The consensus seems there is enough justification for Nathuram Godse’s anger. The percentage of people believe Godse being a martyr is growing from last decade or so,  whereas in 1950 only very cult  RSS followers believed in Godse argument. But with a string of BJP governments and Hindutva religious spread changed the popularity of the argument. The argument goes like this  “ Gandhi could have stopped the partition but he did not stop it as he only wants Nehru to be PM of India. Gandhi/Nehru had a cloud to convince Jinnah and they did not put enough efforts to stop it due to their selfish needs over the country".   Gandhi has a magic wand to stop the partition and he did not do it?.  But the argument I want to make is it is the people’s choice. They want the partition, plain, and simple. Yes India Had Elections before Independence How many of us know that  India has democ
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