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Showing posts from 2015

Look for Vital Signs

As I promised to discuss what about what my passion or what I discovered myself.. But instead of making it is all about me , let me give you a context I want to drive towards why we need to discover our internal passion and groom it. We all social conditioned from the day we are born and society tries to fix you with in the social system as like a robot.   Finish education, get in to a carrier/job/business with in the options presented (not necessary a choice based on interest or passion but simply pick best with in what available to us), get married, have kids, worry about parenting them and their education, and fix them in same social system. Thru the process people become robots with in the norms of social conditioning. Even people break the social norms only to certain elements but still get back in to the same social structure.  But societies are not evolved about managing or enriching the retirement and satisfying/fulfilling end of life scenarios Here are few practical